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  • April 1, 2024

    Student Wellness

    Lauren Greenberg


    Dear Goucher Parents, Families, and Friends,

    I’m Lauren, and I have the pleasure of serving as the director of the Goucher College Student Counseling Center (SCC). After 12 years of service to this community, I am still humbled by the vibrancy that April brings. It is both a busy and beautiful time on our campus. I am pleased to announce upcoming outreach events and new resources available through the SCC.

    Events aren’t always just for students! On Tuesday April 9, the Student Counseling Center will host its third annual Goucher Advocates for Emotional Wellness Lecture. Funded by generous donors, the speaker for these free events focuses on topics related to psychological wellness. This year’s speaker, Dr. Evelyn Burrell, will speak about how to maintain psychological wellness while experiencing anger about injustices and tragedies of the world. The larger community and public are welcome to attend the lecture in person or via YouTube livestream. Check out the lecture! We hope you’ll join us.

    Our signature event, the Happiness Hunt, is scheduled for April 3 and centers on education and activities that are empirically shown to boost happiness. Each year, various campus offices are assigned a happiness strategy from The How of Happiness, by Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky. The assignments are intentional and often connect with how that office interfaces with students and the services they provide. The Happiness Hunt is an excellent opportunity for students to learn what determines mood and how to influence it, and to connect with staff who want to see them flourish (not to mention the giveaways and prizes)!

    Cannabis Awareness Week runs from April 15 to April 19. In collaboration with the Wellness Center, Peer Educators, and Student Accountability and Education, the SCC will host daily events dedicated to providing screenings, accurate information about cannabis use, and harm-reduction practices while maintaining a fun and nonjudgmental environment.

    In addition to several spring programming events, two new resources to support the wellness of our students were launched this semester.

    The Student Counseling Center is now offering a Resource Library for students to check out therapist-recommended self-help books to read independently or as an adjunct to psychotherapy. Let us know if you have any recommendations of books we can consider!

    The SCC, Office of Title IX, and Wellness Center worked together to launch a medical transportation program for students in need of rides to routine medical appointments or urgent medical care. Student can read about the scope of the transportation program on our website.

    The Student Counseling Center is eager to match that April energy with outreach events and resources tailored to be engaging, useful, and fun for our students. We appreciate the continued support of our community!

    Wishing you all a beautiful April,

    Lauren Greenberg, M.S., L.C.P.C., and the Goucher College Counseling Center Staff

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